The Board of Directors of Kings Manor MUD is pleased to announce that for the year 2021, a $20,000 tax exemption in the assessed valuation of properties within the District owned by persons 65 years and older or disabled persons has been adopted. This is an increase of $10,000 from the previous year.
To qualify for the age 65 or older local option exemption, the owner must be age 65 or older and live in the house. If the age 65 or older homeowner dies, the surviving spouse may continue to receive the local option exemption if the surviving spouse is age 55 or older at the time of death and lives in and owns the home and applies for the exemption.
A disabled person must meet the definition of disabled for the purpose of receiving disability insurance benefits under the Federal Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Act.
To apply for the 65 years and older or disabled exemption, please contact the appraisal district for more information.